Thursday, October 21, 2010


Now I want to make it clear up front that I do not make this stuff up. It is impossible to do so as who in their right mind would suggest that boredom would be the cure for the US economy's woes. Well your answer is that it was Alan Greenspan, the creator of most of the mess that we are in. That is not to say that Bernanke is not making it better. He is in fact managing to improve on the mess created by Greenspan by creating an even bigger mess!

Can you believe that the hero of the US economy (in many people's eyes) is so ridiculously naive to suggest that boredom will fix the world's problems. His theory is that if the economy remains stable with no growth that eventually executives will just get bored and start to spend money. And to think that he was in charge of the Federal Reserve, hailed as possibly the best ever and now Bernanke is following in his footsteps.

Why people actually feel that the Federal Reserve is doing a good job is beyond me. We have high unemployment, anemic growth, spiralling budget deficits, a lack of faith in all governments and asset bubbles being created before our eyes. Now what is there to cheer? If your investment thesis is based on more quantitative easing helping the economy then I would advise that you recast your thesis before you invest too heavily in an already over bloated stock market.

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